ALL I can give you is broken-face gargoyles.
It is too early to sing and dance at funerals,
Though I can whisper to you I am looking for an undertaker
humming a lullaby and throwing his feet en a swift and mystic
buck-and-wing, now you seet and now you dont't.

Fish to swim the pool in your garden flashing a speckled silver,
A basquet of wine-saps filling your room with flame-dark for your
eyes and the tang of valley orchards for your nose,
Such a beautiful pail of fish, such a beautiful peck of apples,
I cannot bring you now.
It is too early and I am not footloose yet.

I shall come in the night when I come with a hammer and saw.
I shall come near your window, where you look out when your
eyes are open in the morning.
And there I shall slam together bird-houses and bird-baths for
wing-loose wrens and hummers to live in, birds with yellow
wing tips to blur and buzz soft all summer,
So I shall make little fool homes with doors, always open doors for
all and each to run away when they want to.
I shall come just like that even though now is early and I am not
yet footlose,
Even though I am still looking an undertaker with a raw, wind-
bitten face and dance in his feet.
I make a date with you (put it down) for six o' clock in the evening
a thousand years from now.

All I can give you now is broken-face gargoyles.
All I can give you now is a double gorilla head with two fish
mouths and four eagle eyes hooked on a street wall,
spounting water and looking two ways to the ends of the
street for the new people, the young strangers, coming,
coming, always coming.

It is early.
I shall yet be footlose.

Carl Sandburg


El Puerco. dijo…
porke jodidos cambiaste el titulo???realmente no me gusta el de caramelo agrio, por cierto, me pregunto hasta cuando se interponen las tercerias en tus procesos? solo por si me llegasen a embargar ;) cuidese muñeca.
PD ya se como poner colores acidos¡
Es increible como llegó sandburg a todos lados al mismo tiempo. Recien lo leo, recien paso mis libros de el a los queridos.
I make a date with you (put it down) for six o' clock in the evening
a thousand years from now

Put it down
moria dijo…
ahhh, mi querida Vaca, las tercerías en mis procesos se interponen dos minutos después de que me cayó el veinte de por qué me haces esas preguntas.
O sea, que de igual forma, ya se le pasó el término, vedá?!!

Cambié el título porque últimamente me siento más agria que "bichosa"
El Puerco. dijo…
y un amparillo? :P

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